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How Blogging Can Bring New Customers to Your CNC Shop

Posted on Oct 7, 2016 12:00:00 AM


When you’re looking for new suppliers you likely turn to the Internet for candidates. That’s how most people search for the information they need. So if someone is looking for a CNC shop that does what you do, will they find you in cyberspace?

Sure, you have a web site. However it may not get the attention of the search engines as well as your competitors do. That’s where having a blog comes in. A content rich blog can create awareness, establish credibility, attract new customers and strengthen existing relationships. Too often, though, people start blogging without understanding what separates effective blogs from the rest. So what do successful blogs have in common?

  1. The writers know their audience and provide value. A blog is all about providing value to the reader. Therefore, as in any other marketing exercise, you need to know the issues your customers are concerned with and then provide helpful information. For example, if you’ve recently improved delivery times by applying new technology or streamlining your process, tell the story by first focusing on the result: “New process makes customer deliveries X times faster,” and then explain how you did it. Or perhaps you’ve found a better way to machine a difficult alloy. You don’t have to reveal trade secrets, but explain that not everyone can work with this material and why.
  2. They establish objectives. The only way you’ll know for certain that your blog is working is to set measureable objectives. So what do you want your blog to do? Generate more traffic to your Web site? Get people to give you their email address? Request a quote? These are all actions you can track and analyze, and may generate opportunities for further interaction. Other objectives, like building relationships, are more difficult to assess but prove valuable over time.
  3. They’ve answered these important questions.
    • Who will write the blogs? Do they communicate well: Can they write clearly, and concisely? Do they truly understand the customer’s needs? Do they understand the objectives? Do they have the time to blog consistently?
    • How often should you blog? You want to blog with enough frequency to build readership, but not exhaust your writer or your readers. It helps to set up a monthly or even quarterly schedule of blogging topics and posting dates to help you stay on track. Whatever frequency you establish, be consistent.
    • What will you blog about? Develop a list of blog subjects that cover many aspects of what your customer is looking for. You can also ask a few trusted customers what they’d like to read about.
  4. They use links. If you mention a topic in passing in your blog post, provide a link to more in-depth information. Plus, if I visit your blog and like what I read, I may want to see if you’ve blogged about unrelated topics that interest me. If possible, provide a search function that lets readers easily find your blogs on these other topics. You can also link to material from other sources, such as Web sites, white papers or articles that discuss additional topics important to your audience.
  5. They have a call for action and contact information. OK, someone has been reading your blog and they’re considering doing business with you. What would you like them to do next? Call you? Email? Text? Come by to see your shop and meet your people? I don’t know. And neither will your blog reader unless you tell them how to get hold of you.

Developing a robust blog can bring new business to your shop and your Torrance Haas Factory Outlet has the equipment you need to keep up with the demand. Just call (310) 381-0750, email: jphillips@haasfactoryoutlet.com, or visit www.haasfactoryoutlet.com.

Topics: Marketing