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Can Social Media Bring More Business To Your CNC Shop?

Posted on Feb 19, 2016 12:00:00 AM


There are many marketing tools available to help a CNC shop grow its business, but it’s always a challenge to figure out which ones to invest in. There’s no question that social media is a hot marketing commodity right now. The question is: Is it right for your business? Here are five key facts about social media that you should consider when making your decision.

  1. Social media is not a magic bullet that, alone, will bring customers rushing to do business with you. It’s one of many ways to communicate with customers and prospects. Which means it should be part of a comprehensive, integrated marketing program that includes such tools as personal selling, advertising, public relations, and a robust Internet presence.
  2. Social media is not “free.” True, unless you buy advertising on a social media site there is no direct cost. However the real expense of effectively using social media is time. Either you, an employee, or an outside service provider must set up and manage the social media program. This means preparing and uploading content, monitoring customer activity and responding to customer comments.
  3. The intended function of social media is to build relationships with others. It’s not designed to be a “selling” channel (although some platforms now provide advertising options). Rather, it is an opportunity to listen to what your customers are saying about you and to drive people to your Web site by offering information they believe is useful. That is, of course, if the people you want to do business with use social media.
  4. Because the value of social media for a CNC shop, beyond relationship building, is to drive people to your Web site, you should take a critical look at your site and make sure it has meaningful, easy to find content. What your customers are looking for is information that can help them do their jobs better, solve problems and make their lives easier. Certainly, specifics about your products, capabilities and services are important. However you need to provide more than product information. You need to demonstrate how your company would be valuable to the customer.
  5. Consider establishing a blog written by your resident subject matter experts. Providing useful information about your industry, technologies, case studies and other such material helps position you as an expert in your field. Plus, some site visitors will use social media to inform others of a worthy article in your blog, and drive more people to your site. To be effective you must frequently add to your blog, so be sure your blogger(s) are committed to maintaining a regular schedule of updates.

Finally, if social media looks like a good way for your to build relationships and gain exposure to your services, you may want to consult with an experienced local provider to help you get started.

In the same way, if you’d like expert help finding CNC machines and accessories to accommodate your shop’s growth, contact your Torrance Haas Factory Outlet. Call (310) 381-0750, email: jphillips@haasfactoryoutlet.com, or visit www.haasfactoryoutlet.com.

Topics: Marketing, Social Media